It appears that Exchange enrollment for Obamacare isn't going to be what it was cracked up to be. Back in 2011 CMS released released their summary forcast showing that in 2014 exchanges were expected to enroll 13.9 million. For 2015 that number was 15.9 million. Now comes word from HHS that actual enrollment as of mid-October there are 7.1 million people enrolled and that they are lowering expectations in 2015 to between 9 and 9.9 million. Why? Because they want it to be "accurate...analytically based."
I always thought meteorologists had the best job security. They could be wrong half the time and we forgive them. Now I'm thinking the best job is forecasting for Obamacare. When HHS/CMS make a mistake they simply "downgrade" expectations. Only in this situation we shouldn't forgive them.
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Senin, 10 November 2014
Great Expectations
by Handoyo susanto |  at 13.14
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